Home Office reveals details of the five people who died in its asylum-seeker accommodation in first six months of 2023… finally

THE HOME Office has finally provided more details of the five people who died in its asylum-seeker accommodation in the first six months of 2023 – after the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ordered it to do so. The five deaths include that of a 22-year-old man from Morocco, who was housed in accommodation run byContinue reading “Home Office reveals details of the five people who died in its asylum-seeker accommodation in first six months of 2023… finally”

Home Office ordered to release data on five people that died in its asylum-seeker accommodation in first six months of 2023

THE HOME OFFICE has been ordered to release information it sought to keep secret regarding the at least five people who died in its asylum-seeker accommodation in the first six months of 2023. A four-month investigation by the Information Commissioner’s Office found that the Home Office’s arguments to withhold the information don’t hold up, andContinue reading “Home Office ordered to release data on five people that died in its asylum-seeker accommodation in first six months of 2023”

More people die in Home Office asylum-seeker accommodation in first six months of 2022 than in the whole of 2021

MORE people have died while housed at Home Office asylum-seeker accommodation in the first six months of this year than in the whole of 2021, The Civil Fleet can reveal. Twenty-one people, including two newborn babies, died while being housed by the Home Office between January 1 and June 30 this year, figures in aContinue reading “More people die in Home Office asylum-seeker accommodation in first six months of 2022 than in the whole of 2021”

19 people died in Home Office asylum-seeker accommodation in 2021

Close to two people died on average per month while in the Home Office’s care last year, figures provided in a freedom of information request show AT LEAST 19 people, including a two-year-old boy, died inside Home Office asylum-seeker accommodation in 2021, The Civil Fleet can reveal.  Sixteen men and three women died at HomeContinue reading “19 people died in Home Office asylum-seeker accommodation in 2021”

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